Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 4 Detailed Outline

Week 4 Detailed Outline

Q Assignment Instructions Create a detailed outline for your research paper. The detailed outline should have an outline for the following: Introduction Literature review Findings Recommendations Conclusion Make sure that you map the references from the annotated bibliography to the sections. It is expected that each section will be about half page to a page. This assignment needs to follow APA guidelines. Remember to put all your references and citations in appropriate APA format.

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The chosen topic for the research paper is the styles of leadership and your organization. In this particular paper, there will be a detailed outline for the research paper, therefore, it will be easy to locate what points will be there in the research paper. In order to analyze the research paper, there is a need for involving a perfect and detailed outline and this paper will serve that purpose only.